research and learning

Manufacturing Processes of Tableware during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Manufacturing Processes of Tableware during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Copeland, Robert

Lavishly illustrated, full colour, 186 page book. It displays the vast experience and knowledge the author has of the manufacturing processes of bone china and earthenware tableware, mainly as carried out in the Spode works; these were typical of the methods used throughout the pottery industry and should be of interest to all people involved with pottery and porcelain, whether as collectors, customers or dealers.

To order Robert Copeland’s new book, send a PayPal payment in British Pounds of £35 (price includes £25 for the book plus £10 for international shipping and handling abroad) to: . 
Be sure to state on the PayPal form that payment is for the Copeland book and to include your shipping address.
British residents may order the book on the Northern Ceramic Society web site: Use this link.
Please note less than 500 copies are available.