glasbury pottery - bottle ovens

Sampson Bridgwood and Son of Longton, Staffordshire

Sampson Bridgwood and Son of Longton, Staffordshire
Classified Type
For Sale

This porcelain cup and saucer was made by Sampson Bridgwood and Son of Longton, Staffordshire. It is decorated with the pattern, printed in puce, Faith, Hope & Charity, the three well known Biblical virtues from 1 Corinthians 13. Faith and Hope are on either side of the cup and Charity graces the saucer. The saucer carries the impressed mark Bridgwood & Son. According to Geoffrey Godden, Bridgwood porcelains seldom bear a mark, except for the rarely found impressed mark Bridgwood & Son which can occur on porcelains (see page 189 Encyc. of British Porcelain Manufacturers). There are two very small chips to the footrim of the cup and loss of the enamel to the cup rim. C 1860.