glasbury pottery - bottle ovens

TCC Sponsored Videos

Videos made available here are from two vital resources:
The Transferware Worldwide Lecture Series - free monthly Zoom lectures open to all. Invitations are distributed to the organizations who have expressed interest in participating. These lectures are recorded and made available to current TCC members after the Zoom session. Member login required. A second source are the recorded presentations at TCC Annual Meetings, also available to members with login.

Transferware Worldwide Lecture Series ANNUAL MEETING LECTURES Other Films and Videos

Annual Meeting Lectures

A Transferware Journey in India

Lecturer: Scott Hanson

A Transferware Journey in India was presented by TCC president Scott Hanson and TCC vice-president Michael Sack during the TCC 2020 Annual Meeting. The presentation shows historic source prints and transferware pieces depicting sites and monuments in India and current photos of the same sites and monuments. Scott, Michael and 11 other transferware collectors toured the sites in India early in 2020 and share insights and stories about the journey while discussing the transferware and source prints.

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Britain’s Development of the Transfer Printing Process in the 18th Century and How it Changed the Industry

Lecturer: Gaye Blake-Roberts

Gaye Blake-Roberts’ presentation at the TCC 2019 Annual Meeting in Birmingham, AL explores the development of the transfer printing process for pottery in Great Britain and it’s dramatic effect on the industry. Gaye, now retired, was Curator at the Wedgwood Museum in Barlaston, England, is currently an honorary senior research fellow with the V&A Research Institute, and was recently awarded the M.B.E. This lecture was made possible by the generous support of the Paul and Gladys Richards Research Grant Program for Studies in British Transferware.

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Transferware Worldwide Lecture Series

The Trade in British Transferware with the Dutch East Indies 1820-1940

Lecturer:  Jaap Otte

Enjoy this first Transferware Worldwide Series lecture by TCC Member Jaap Otte. In this lecture, Jaap Otte discusses the organization of the trade of European ceramics to the Dutch East Indies during the period 1820 to 1940, as well as the efforts to cater to preferences of the local population.

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