glasbury pottery - bottle ovens

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Paul Barker has been collecting Victorian bottles and pots for many years. He started with the relatively common Thomas Holloway pots, the Clarke's pots and the Poor Man's Friend pots from Dr. Roberts. Following his visits to specialist regional bottle fairs, he was able to find a few of the…

View Antiques Roadshow video of a rare Liverpool jug "A North View of Govr. Wallace’s Shell Castle & Harbour North Carolina”. Valued by the Roadshow appraiser at $8,000-$12,000, with only one other documented example known. Thanks to TCC members Cerelle Bolon and Loren Zeller. …

August and September 2018
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Download Gladstone Bottle flyer (pdf size too big to upload to file browser) **

New book:…

Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois: Through August 30, 2018

The exhibition centers on Chinese blue and white porcelain collected and emulated around the world. Potters around the world attempted to mimic the…

April 2, 2018 - January 6, 2019
Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library More information. (Link not available) **

Read about the exhibit in

Montpelier announces its 2018 Excavation Expedition and Other Programs. More information.

The new year brought new outreach opportunities for the TCC. In January, 2018 the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) held its annual conference in New Orleans, and with the endorsement and encouragement of the Board, the TCC actively and successfully participated in several facets of the…

Photo-opportunity: Photographers are welcome to come to the opening night of the exhibition on Friday 18 January at 5.30pm, (speeches at 6.30pm), when the artists and Deirdre McSharry will be present. Sir Peter Blake will be available for interview strictly on an appointment…

12 January - 11 March, 2018

Ceramics are rarely confrontational, but the pugnacious mugs, jugs and plates in Pots with Attitude: Satirical and Political Prints on Ceramics, a display at the British Museum, are exceptions. Here, utilitarian creamwares and pearlwares are transformed…

For four decades, the Annual Series of Early American Trades and Historic Preservation Workshops has offered workshops and symposia in the traditional trades and domestic arts. The goal is to maintain the highest educational standards, with instructors who are leaders in their…

Opening April 2, 2018
Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library
More information at Winterthur’s web site and blog…

The second generation of the TCC Database of Patterns and Sources was launched during our meeting in Charlottesville. Get more information.

The Spode Museum Trust has informed us that work on the new frontage is now complete and that the museum, art gallery, shop, and tearoom are open for business Wednesday - Sunday 10:30 am-4 pm. The excellent improvements can be seen in these before and after photos. The shop, located in Stoke-on-…

Thanks to Loren Zeller for 12 years of exemplary service as TCC President! We welcome Scott Hanson as our new president. Watch for a Special eNews with much more information.

Helen Hallesy, UK
Study Title:  Swansea Commemorative Pottery:  Politics, Reform, Royalty, Wars

Loren Zeller, USA; Richard Halliday, UK
Study Title:  The Chinoiserie Invasion:  British Transferware in the…

An important part of Britain's ceramic heritage, a black basalt vase made by Josiah Wedgwood, is in danger of disappearing overseas forever unless the money can be raised to save it for the UK. The First Day’s Vase is one of only four pieces that we know for certain were actually made by the…

The Transferware Collectors Club Launches Advanced Version 2.0 of Its Popular Database of Patterns and Sources.

The Transferware Collectors Club (TCC), a non-profit organization based in the US, whose mission is to educate and excite people worldwide about British transfer-printed…

Winterthur Museum and TCC Sponsored Exhibit: Transferware, A Story of Patterns & Color.

More Information.

A noted artist, author and gardener, the talks will present his own work as re-animator o f the forgotten, discarded or broken, woven into a wider narrative.

Our sister transferware club, the Friends of Blue, held its AGM and Conference June 22, 2014 at Sharpe's Pottery Museum, Swadlincote in Derbyshire. The meeting feature talks by Dick Henrywood and Trevor Kentish. Members brought pots to display on the "Blue Table" for discussion…

The Spode Museum Trust has announced an expansion of its exhibits and new visitor hours. Read more.

What a facelift! The front Church Street…

The Spode Museum Trust has announced an expansion of its exhibits and new visitor hours. Read more.

Request for Help with Importers Study
John Walthall, of the Illinois State Museum Research & Collections Center, writes "I am in the process of revising the recently published ebook, Queensware Direct from the Potteries: U. S. Importers of Staffordshire Ceramics in…

2014 Annual Meeting Survey: In January of this year, the TCC conducted a members-only survey via email to better understand member preferences with regards to our annual meeting.…

New article by Anne Anderson: "The Romance of Old Blue: collecting and displaying Old Blue Staffordshire China in the American Home c. 1870-1928"

Access the article. (Note: you can download the…

Piers Wedgwood, who devoted his working life to the ceramic and decorative arts of the Wedgwood Brand as its international ambassador and keeper of the legacy of his fifth great-grandfather,…

Thank you to donors, Robert Conn, Frank Davenport, Peg Mauzy, Connie Rogers, Michael Sack, Judie & Dick Wagner, Loren Zeller, Richard and Cher Zillman. Special thank you to Leslie Bouterie, Frank Davenport and Michael Weinberg for promotion and sales, exceptionally well done. And thanks to…