glasbury pottery - bottle ovens

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Friends of the Spode Museum have a Website with up-to-date information on the status of the museum. Contributions can be made through PayPal. |

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June 22-24, 2007 (3 Days)
Fee: $465.00

From the earliest attempts to replicate the much-desired Chinese porcelains to the introduction of turning lathes for earthenware production, the British ceramics industry was in the forefront of…

The 2007 Eastfield Village Symposium "British Ceramics:  The Development of Technical Genius in the British Ceramic Industry -- 1650-1850" (June 22--24, 2007) has run its course. Click here for a…

Recent article on Transferware: Journalist/writer Caroline Tiger, who attended our 2006 Philadelphia meeting, has published her article on Transferware.

From January 15 through the 20th, The National Academy Museum on Fifth Avenue hosted the 9th annual New York Ceramics Fair.  Caskey Lees from Topanga California hosts this top notch show and sale of ceramics, glass and enamels featuring 35 prominent British, European and American galleries/…

This ironstone china vegetable dish, made by E. F. Bodley and Company, of Burslem, Staffordshire, England, bears the motto of the CSS Alabama, "AIDE TOI ET DIEU T'AIDERA" (loosely translated: "God helps those who help themselves"). --submitted by TCC Member Jane…

Late-18th century pearlware jug, probably Swansea, barrel shape with out-turned foot and simple strap handle, printed in blue. Large floral sprays on either side of a verse "Sit down & spend a Social hour / In harmless mirth & fun / Let Friendship reign be just &…