glasbury pottery - bottle ovens

Photos of the Month

Send us your favorite photo and caption for consideration as an upcoming Photo of the Month for inclusion on the TCC web site, Facebook site, and monthly eNews:

Toast Rack

Transfer printed toast racks are uncommon, particularly when printed with an architectural themed image.  It is difficult to tell, but it appears that one engraving was used, and the printed tissue cut down to fit the variably sized dividers.   We would welcome additional images of transfer printed toast racks.

Toast Rack

Transferware Cornucopia


Thanks to Dennis and Ann Berard, our 2010 New England annual meeting hosts.

Transferware Cornucopia

Women of Spode and the Indian Tree Pattern

Our primary image depicts a sampling of the women who have worked at Spode Works over the years.  Note the image at the upper left, which depicts a painter at work, perhaps in the 1940s (????).  Now focus on the plate, which is Spode’s “Indian Tree” pattern.  According to the TCC Database of Patterns and Sources, this pattern was produced from 1877 through at least 1957.  Finally, we draw your attention to the second and third photos, which date from November 2021.  This Indian Tree dinner service (only a small portion is shown) was the 1947 wedding set of Mary and Henry Hoexter, in San Francisco, California, and is still in use (although not on a daily basis) and loved to this day.  Thanks to the Spode Museum Trust Heritage Center Facebook page and Judie Siddall / David Hoexter for the images.

Women of Spode and the Indian Tree PatternIndian Tree dinner serviceIndian Tree dinner service

Fresh Air From the Potteries

Thanks to Pat Halfpenny for this iconic photo/postcard of Stoke-on-Trent on a less than clear air day.  See the February 2021 Photo of the Month in the TCC website to compare with an actual clear air day.

SMOKE DAY Stoke-on-Trent Non-SMOKE DAY Stoke-on-Trent

Handling Session at the 2016 Charlottesville, VA Annual Meeting

A highlight of many TCC annual meetings is handling and discussing features associated with various transferware patterns and forms.  This montage shows a handling session during our 2016 Charlottesville, VA meeting.  We travelled one day to Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA, to view the Reeves Collection of Chinese export porcelain and armorial porcelain, with examples dating from 1500 to the present. We were royally hosted by curator Ron Fuchs.  

Handling Session at the 2016 Charlottesville, VA Annual Meeting

Dudson Museum, Hanley Stoke-on-Trent

Winter scene of the Dudson Museum (housed primarily in the large bottle oven!).  Drone view by the Stoke Sentinel; thanks to Phil Rowley.  Interior view from the museum’s website.   More Information.

Dudson Museum, Hanley Stoke-on-Trent. interiorDudson Museum, Hanley Stoke-on-Trent. exterior in snow

A Smattering of Christmas and New Year Transferware

A smattering of Christmas and New Year transferware patterns.  All from the TCC Database of Patterns and Sources. Members, search for more!

A Happy New Year to You:  Children’s Plate, maker unknown, TCC DB 14479.

Christmas Bells (A Merry Christmas and (A Happy New Year):  small bowl by David Lockhart & Co, 1876-98, TCC DB 13422.

Christmas Eve (Wilkie’s Designs) series: plate by Ralph & James Clews, 1814-34, TCC DB 1972.

Father Christmas:  Children’s Plate by Charles Allerton & Sons, 1832-42, TCC DB 8564.

Xmas Eve:  Pratt/Polychrome pot lid, by F.&R. Pratt & Co, TCC DB 11670.

A Happy New Year to You:  Children’s Plate, maker unknown, TCC DB 14479. Christmas Bells (A Merry Christmas):  small bowl by David Lockhart & Co, 1876-98, TCC DB 13422. Christmas Bells (A Happy New Year):  small bowl by David Lockhart & Co, 1876-98, TCC DB 13422. Christmas Eve (Wilkie’s Designs) series: plate by Ralph & James Clews, 1814-34, TCC DB 1972. Father Christmas:  Children’s Plate by Charles Allerton & Sons, 1832-42, TCC DB 8564. Xmas Eve:  Pratt/Polychrome pot lid, by F.&R. Pratt & Co, TCC DB 11670.

Grant Wood Certainly Knew His Tea

Grant Wood Certainly Knew His TeaGrant Wood Certainly Knew His Tea

Winterthur 2014

 Winterthur 2014

participants viewing various transferware-related documentsTCC members were treated to many transferware delights at our 2014 annual meeting held at Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library in Delaware.  Pictured here is part of the display in the special exhibit “Transferware:  A Story of Pattern and Color”; and obviously engaged meeting participants viewing various transferware-related documents and prints from the Winterthur library and archives (candid photo).

Transferware Children’s Mugs

Just a sampling of the hundreds of children’s mugs in the collection of Historic New England (HNA), located in the Boston MA vicinity.  We viewed the mugs and much more at the HNA Collections and Conservation Center as part of our October 2013 Annual Meeting.  Read more about the meeting.  Read about every TCC Annual Meeting.

Transferware Children’s Mugs

New Hampshire Collection

From a New Hampshire Collection, viewed during the TCC 2010 Annual Meeting.

From a New Hampshire collection, viewed during the TCC 2010 Annual Meeting.

V&A Museum

Ceramic wonders tower over a visitor at the V&A Museum in London.

V&A Museum

Salt Plates

What is a “salt plate” and what is the connection to death and transferware?  More information.

Credits:  Thanks to Sue Wagstaff for bringing this to our attention and to David Hoexter for preparing the "Photo of the Month."

What is a “salt plate” and what is the connection to death and transferware?  More information.  Link:  Credits:  Thanks to Sue Wagstaff for bringing this to our attention and to David Hoexter for preparing the "Photo of the Month."Salt Plates detail


Bat Printing

Two examples from the bat printing process.  Images by Robert Copeland.  For additional images, visit the TCC website Image Gallery:  

Bat PrintingBat Printing

Blue Room, Spode Pottery, Stoke-on-Trent

Blue Room, Spode Pottery, Stoke-on-TrentA view of the famed Blue Room at the Spode pottery in Stoke-on-Trent.  Photo by Robert Copeland, from the TCC website Image Gallery.  Or visit the website of the Spode Museum Trust.

Summer House, Wrinehill, Staffordshire

Summer House, Wrinehill, StaffordshireSummer House, Wrinehill, StaffordshireVery few of the 8,000 – 9,000 advertising pot lids portray an actual building, let alone the owner’s residence (in this case) or the actual manufactory (apparently across the road).  This one does.  According to the Historic England website, Summer House dates from around 1710-1720.  The lid probably dates from the later 19th century.  More information in the TCC DB, Pattern # 12307.

Mission Transferware

The Carmel Mission, Monterey County, California. This child’s plate was on display in the mission museum. We’ve seen similar mid-19th century English transferware at several other missions over the years.

The Carmel Missionchild's plate

"no-smoke" day in Hanley

A rare "no-smoke" day in Hanley, believed to be 1930s.

A rare "no-smoke" day in Hanley, believed to be 1930s.

Credit:  Nicholas Panes, Facebook site The Pottery Manufacturers of Stoke on Trent

Spode Paintress Mrs. Priestly

59pe mrs priestley- a paintress on her 82nd birthday 1937

Photo on the occasion of her 82nd birthday in 1937.  Just one of hundreds of images in the TCC Website Image Gallery. View more photos.

Window Surround Interior, Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, India

What is Dick Henrywood photographing?  This alcove is faced with dozens of transferware patterns.  How many can you identify?  See more in the TCC Bulletin, December 2020. English Transfer Printed Earthenware at Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

Dick Henrywood photographing alcove is faced with dozens of transferware patterns

Robert Copeland

Robert CopelandRobert Copeland demonstrating Spode foot bathRemembering Robert Copeland (Spode Factory), for no particular reason other than we miss him! Robert travelled to and spoke at our 2001 Annual Meeting in Monterey, CA, just weeks after 9/11, and was immeasurably helpful with our 2003 Annual meeting in Stoke-on-Trent, England. Shown here demonstrating how to use a foot bath (Spode, of course) even if without water, and in a more formal shot. Images from the TCC website Image Gallery

TCC Meeting in Baltimore, October 2011

One of the hightlights of our 2011 annual meeting was a visit to a private collection. In this case, we viewed extraordinary American historical transferware and enjoyed wonderful views of the Baltimore Harbor, all at one location!

American historical transferwareBaltimore Harbor

Britannia Pottery, Glasgow

Britannia Pottery, GlasgowAn undated photo of the Britannia Pottery in Glasgow, showing nine kilns, innumerable saggars, and workers.  For those less familiar with the pottery firing process, the wares were placed in the saggars, which were in turn placed into the kiln for firing.  

Thanks to George Haggarty for this image, from his Facebook page, with permission.

“Cowman” and Friends at Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

“Cowman” and Friends at Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, Rajasthan, IndiaPart of an interior wall within Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. What are these transfer-printed drainers (and many more) doing in relatively remote Bikaner? A research article on the 110 transfer printed, three Chinese Export (also shown in this photo), and two creamware patterns affixed to the walls of four locations within the fort is available for download. English Transfer Printed Earthenware at Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India