This lovely, unmarked 20 ¾” x 15 ¾” platter is related to the “Tendril” pattern (# 8260) and “Tendril Variation” (# 14658) in the TCC Database. It shares elements with both patterns but does not match either exactly. “Tendril” is attributed to Benjamin Adams, in business 1809–1820, at Greengates, Tunstall, Staffordshire. The “Tendril Variation” in the database is also by an unknown manufacturer. A third related listing in the database (#14836) has the Latin motto "Fortuna Sequatur Ne Nimium" at the center of a round soup plate with the same floral sheet pattern as the others. This variation has been documented with an impressed Spode mark. The database notes of the piece illustrated, “This Copeland version of the original Spode pattern was undoubtedly a replacement piece.” So, it seems this pattern was likely produced by at least three potteries and possibly more. Image courtesy of eBay seller Acantus.