The Transferware Collectors Club (TCC) database, now with over 11,000 records, also has well over 750 source prints, the supposed inspiration to the potter of the scene or depiction on his ceramic creation. The source print is sometimes a real life scene and sometimes imaginary. Many of the American category prints are found by searching references such as Ellouise Baker Larsen’s American Historical Views on Staffordshire China, but sometimes the editor must search for the source print by other methods.
Rich with content for ceramic collectors, researchers, authors, curators, and historic archaeologists, the sites are sure to deliver value for their visitors. The exhibition’s curators continue to enhance them and, now, with site application upgrades, including a new magnification feature and upgraded content management capabilities, the TCC and its collaborators are pleased to relaunch these exhibits, all free to a worldwide audience.
Branded Patriotic America, debuted in 2014 in collaboration with Historic New England, and the Winterthur Museum
Launched in 2015 in partnership with the Northern Ceramic Society.
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