arrangement of items colored and blue transferware

Feature Books February

The Blue ChinaThe Blue China Book by Ada Walker Camehl

Early American Scenes and History Pictured in the Pottery of the Time. With a Supplementary Chapter describing the celebrated Collection of Presidential China in the White House at Washington, D.C., and a complete Checking List of known Examples of Anglo-American Pottery. More information.


Blue and White TransferWareBlue and White Transferware 1780-1830, by A. W. Coysh

Blue and white transfer-printed earthenware was produced in vast quantities in the early nineteenth century. It was made in the Staffordshire Potteries, and also in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northumberland and South Wales. After the Napoleonic Wars a large export trade to North America was established. The wares that have survived are now avidly collected on both sides of the Atlantic and some are now exported from Britain as antiques. More info.