Arctic Scenery Platter Puzzle

This platter shows one of at least thirteen scenes found in this series, representing episodes in the travels of Sir Edward William Parry around the northern part of Canada in 1819-1820. Many of the scenes are copied from illustrations in Parry's "Journal of a Voyage to discover a North-west Passage," published in 1821. A further source for the arctic views is John Franklin's "Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819 to 1822," published in 1823. The animals in the borders of the series come from other sources and are not arctic animals. It appears the latest source for one of the animals was published in 1834, which may indicate the series was produced after that date. One author has attributed the series to Thomas Godwin (in business 1834-1854, Burslem, Staffordshire) but no marked pieces are known.